Oct 11, 2011

Advocacy Alerts

Calling for a Faithful Budget
"Make Your Voice Heard"

In the face of massive deficits and the daunting task ahead of balancing the federal budget, Congress needs to hear your voice: a moral voice of reason, calling for placing the needs of the most vulnerable at the center of budget policy decisions.

Twelve legislators, known as the "Super Committee," have been given immense power over budget decisions that will impact many years to come. If partisan politics rears its ugly head and the committee fails to reach consensus, then an additional 1.5 trillion in across-the-board cuts will become mandatory, slashing social safety net programs such as WIC, SNAP, Medicaid, Social Security, and others. . . read more & take action

Tell Congress not to cut
life-saving foreign assistance

In the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus sets a standard for how we should greet those who have been cast on the side of the road by poverty and violence. The famine and drought that continues to devastate the Horn of Africa is just one stark reminder that we must support those in need of life-sustaining food and support. . . read more on p.2 of our advocacy alert