Jun 20, 2012

LPF Advocacy Update

Threatened: Programs for the Poor, Hungry, and Unemployed 
Balancing the budget and cutting our deficit on the backs of poor and hungry folks is not only morally wrong; it won’t work!

Aid Needs to Protect Indigenous Farming 
What is needed to to end hunger in Africa is a sustainable, affordable solution that focuses on helping local farmers feed people in their community while protecting indigenous and agroecological farming methods.

Youth and the Military 
Things are moving in the upper Midwest on issues of military service and conscientious objection.

download LPF Advocacy Update

Jun 4, 2012

Remarkable Resource on Nonviolent Struggle

Nonviolent Struggle - 50 Crucial Points

A Strategic Approach to Everyday Tactics
Authors: (CANVAS) Srdja Popovic, Andrej Milivojevic and Slobodan Djinovic [Available for download]

This book is a field guide for waging a strategic nonviolent struggle – it offers a rich and diverse array of practical information that nonviolent activists need to know. The user-friendly format of the book complements the presentation of the content in thematic chapters, which are organized around answering key questions that range from techniques of daily management to strategic planning.
which leads to a page where you can read about the book and download it in any of 6 languages, and/or access several reviews.

Tackling Violence in Schools: A New Resource

How can a child learn in a school environment fraught with violence – bullying, cyber-bullying, fighting, harassment?  What lessons and models can we access from the worldwide community to create a non-violent environment instead?  Help is here from the office of the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General (SRSG) on Violence against Children!

For a short article on the new 44-page resource “Tackling Violence in Schools: A global perspective,” see http://srsg.violenceagainstchildren.org/story/2012-03-06_443.  
 To download the entire March 2012 publication, go to: http://srsg.violenceagainstchildren.org/sites/default/files/publications/Tackling%20Violence%20in%20Schools%20final.pdf

I think it's a practical encouragement for parents, educators and community leaders trying to deal with violence in schools. Although it may be more detailed than some readers need, they might at least find it useful to check out and may even find the list of recommendations on the last page helpful.

Submitted by Lily R. Wu, LPF board member and editorial consultant for the World Day.
-- from the May 9, 2012 newsletter of the World Day of Prayer and Action for  Children.