Sept 11 commemorations will hold a particular significance for many people this year, a decade after 2001. LPF invites all peacemakers to explore and use our list of free downloadable resources. Let’s help our congregation, group, and community honor this milestone with meaningful worship, activities, and intentional discussions on peace, on or near 9/11+10.
"As a native New Yorker from Chinatown, located 10 blocks northeast of Ground Zero," says LPF board member Lily Wu, "I will never forget the people who sacrificed themselves to save others, and the Lutherans near and far who poured out their love to hasten our healing. Love and action hand in hand made the difference. That's still true for anything we do in the name of the One who sacrificed his life so that people everywhere can live.
"And that's why LPF hopes that Sept 11+10 will be a time not only for sacred observances, but also intentional pathmaking for peace. You could create a path by introducing one or more of the following resources to your congregation. Where else can people discuss issues and appropriate responses in the context of their faith?"
Resources for the 10th Anniversary of 9-11
go to a resource list http://www.nrcat.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=548&Itemid=397.
Also, NRCAT has prepared a litany http://www.nrcat.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=549&Itemid=398
FCNL:A Solemn Day and a Turning Point
Worship Resources for 9-11+10.
Here are two of the more helpful surveys of resources:
Local "9-11+10" commemorative activities
Contact your synod office, regional Church Council, LPF network, etc. to identify worship services and commemorative activities. Share what you learn with others in your area, and send links to LPF for posting on our website for others to see.
We can help make 9-11+10 activities meaningful by sharing resources from the above in emails to our friends and within our congregation. Here are some materials that might help:
In a time of tragedy http://lutheran_peace.tripod.com/thoughts_in_tragedy.html
This would also be a great time to write a letter to the editor of publications in our area to help others avoid the myths and grasp the real lessons of 9-11+10.