Join thousands in worship and witness for an end of the war and occupation of Iraq on Friday, March 7, at noon! Lutherans and LPF are among a dozen denominations (list below) who have organized a worship service for the ecumenical "Christian Peace Witness for Iraq" on Friday, March 7.
Rev. Conrad Braaten, Senior Pastor of the Lutheran Church of the Reformation will be assisting at the Capitol Hill Presbyterian service at noon. Following the service, we'll join others from services around the District as we process to an interfaith, nonviolent witness and public action at Upper Senate Park.
This witness for peace will be supported by vigils and services around the U.S. (see web listing). The Washington DC procession and witness will also feature the dramatic visual of "10,000 feet of hope" (see below).
You can learn more and register online for workshops, worship, and witness, at www.christianpeacewitness.org. Come be inspired to continue your work for peace as you gather with thousands of others for worship, witness, and learning (as well as a coffeehouse in the evening). Your presence will speak the importance of peace to a country gripped by powerlessness and despair about the continuing horror of this war. Join the throngs!
For additional information/attachments go to the following page on our website CPWI gathering in March.
www.lutheranpeace.org …
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