This is especially true during the holiday season when consumerism is working overtime.
Here are ideas on simplicity in the way we live, the gifts we give, the time we share, and the ways we prepare to receive the Prince of Peace.
Peacepoints: Reclaim the Season
LPF´s top program priority last spring was offering information and encouragement to our members to support increased funding for poverty related assistance. We are pleased to report that on December 13, the Senate approved H.R. 3288, a "consolidated" appropriations bill that contains FY 2010 funding for this along with other important priorities. Approved earlier by the House, the bill is now on the President's desk for his signature.
The bill includes funding increases for USAID, Global Health and Child Survival, Development Assistance, Agriculture and Food Security Programs, Basic and Higher Education,, Educational and Cultural Exchanges, Energy and the Environment, Peace Corps, Millennium Challenge Corporation and substantial funding for Improving Access to Safe Drinking Water and Humanitarian Assistance. A complete summary can be found at: